Kubota SVL65-2 Specs:
Engine type: Kubota Diesel V2607-CR-TE4 turbocharged 4-cylinder
Engine gross horsepower: 68.3 HP
Displacement: 159.6
Overall length (bucket on ground): 136.4
Overall height (top of cab): 79.9”
Overall width (with bucket): 68” / 74”
Operating weight (ROPS Cab): 8035 lbs. / 8465 lbs.
Kubota SVL65-2 Performance:
Rated operating capacity (35% of tipping load): 2100 lbs
Tipping load: 6000 lbs.
Breakout force – bucket: 4614 lbf.
Breakout force – lift arm: 4266 lbf.
Lift arm path: Vertical
Kubota SVL65-2 Undercarriage:
Track width (wide): 15”
Ground pressure (wide): 4.2 psi
Track rollers per side: 4
Track ground contact length: 57.9”
Travel speed (low / high): 4.9 mph / 7.1 mph
Traction force: 8408 lbs.
Minimum ground clearance: 9.1”
Auxillary Hydrualic Power:
Auxiliary hydraulic pressure: 3263 psi
Auxiliary hydraulic flow (standard / high): 17.4 gpm / 27.0 gpm
4 Hours
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